Our Vision: To be a center of excellence for people development.
Coaching & Business Growth - Int’l Coaching Week 2019
Mompreneurs - Int’l Coaching Week 2019
Royal University Career Expo - Int’l Coaching Week 2019
Presentation Titled: “Coaching Training”
BSTD 3rd Training & Coaching Forum Under the Theme: “Coaching for Entrepreneurship”
Workshop Titled: "PLAY... THINK... LEARN... IN ACTION" Creating Meaningful Challenges
Workshop Titled: Yala Social!
Workshop Titled: Yala Social!
BSTD 2nd Training & Coaching Forum under the theme: “Coaching for Balanced Life”
Seminer Titled: “Bahraini Trainer between the Reality of Training & Human Development...
Presentation Titled: Strength Strategy Coaching
Bahraini Coaching Week
Trainers Largest Gathering
BSTD 1st Training & Coaching Forum under the theme: “Coaching for Impact”
New Coaching Forum Board Announcement
Train the Trainers in Social Media
Professional Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainers in Social Media
Presentation Titled: Social Media for Board Members
Seminar Titled: “Challenges and Training Future in Bahrain”