Our Vision: To be a center of excellence for people development.
British School Visit
ِArab Open University Visit
MOU Signing with Bahrain Business Women Association
Introductory meeting of the program of Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak for...
Introductory Meeting for New Members
Gulf University Induction Session on Bahrain Society for Training & Development
"Empowering Women to Lead Change" Program Induction Session
Mediation Session
MOU Signing with Zain Bahrain
Higher Advisory Committee Visit for BSTD New Building
Laugh Yoga
Bahrain International Federation of Business & Professional Women Visit
Dialogue Forum: "Bahraini Women from Resource Management to Development Leadership"
Sport's Day Event
MOU Signing with Gulf University
Meeting with Gulf University
BSTD New Headquarter Visit
Assembly General Meeting for year 2020-2022 (21st term)
Virtual Seminar Titled: “Early Detection is a Path to Hope"
Ministry of Labour & Social Development Visit
The Annual Gala Dinner Success Story of A leader: "Mr. Murad Ali Murad Chairman of BBK...
Sport's Day Activities
Council of Resepentative Visit